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The Long-arm Jurisdiction of the US and Myanmar's Protracted Crisis

Myanmar is an important country bordering the southwest of our country. The China-Myanmar crude oil pipeline is an energy supply guarantee for China's strategic rear, but it is also an important lever for the US and the West in their strategy toward China. In February 2023, as the political situation in Myanmar continued to deteriorate, the US implemented “long-arm jurisdiction” under its National Defense Authorization Act and other domestic laws, providing diplomatic, military and economic assistance to the opposition in Myanmar and opposing the caretaker government established by the military. A protracted crisis in Myanmar is not conducive to China's neighborhood security and the smooth progress of the Belt and Road Initiative. It will also undermine China's national interests and the interests of Chinese companies in Myanmar. 

In order to further clarify the structure, logic, process and impact of America's “long-arm jurisdiction” from technical—especially energy and legal—aspects and put forward effective countermeasures based on US-Myanmar and China-Myanmar relations, on March 17, 2023, the Institute of Area Studies, Peking University held a workshop on the long-arm jurisdiction of the US and Myanmar's protracted crisis. Experts and business representatives from relevant fields were invited to have in-depth discussions on the above topics.