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The Outlook of China–Mongolia Relations in the New Era

The year 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Mongolia, the 25th anniversary of the revision of the China–Mongolia Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, and the 5th anniversary of the establishment of the China–Mongolia comprehensive strategic partnership. In light of this, commemorative activities and seminars in various fields were held by China and Mongolia.

In any bilateral relationship, seven decades can be deemed as a milestone, so how can we grasp the direction of China–Mongolia relations in the new era as we move toward the next 70-year milestone? Which side to focus on? What new measures should be taken? In particular, issues such as how can university academic institutes better play the role of think-tank, effectively use frontier academic achievements to assist national decision-making departments, and build bridges between decision-making departments and universities are all matters requiring urgent discussion.